Thursday, February 2, 2012

Open Letter to Premier of New South Wales

An Open Letter from Doug Lithgow - President of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement

The Hon Barry O’Farrell MP
Premier of the State of New South Wales

Dear Mr O’Farrell

This is day 3 of the destruction of Newcastle's fine civic trees and cultural centre.

This is being done by some Councillors forming an opinion that the trees pose a hazard to traffic so as to invoke Sec 88 of the Roads Act. It is clear that this significant Landscape has never been a hazard to traffic and the trees are unnecessarily being felled.

You as the Premier of the New South Wales have brought your government into disgrace by sending a large contingent of police to stand stupidly in the rain for no reason other than to back-up bad governance in the current Council. In this way you have failed the fine city of Newcastle.

The ignorant Councillors should have been informed by your Government how to formally publicly exhibit their Civic Precinct amendments so that community could lawfully have a say in the future of their Civic Precinct.

How could you be so inept when we relied on you to bring good governance to our city?

Doug Lithgow
Freeman of the City of Newcastle
President of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement

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